
The Brown Family

The Brown Family
The Browns, Jim, Monica, Weston, Joseph, Timothy, Christianna, Elaina, Victoria, Alonna and Joshua. WELCOME TO OUR BLOG!


Guess WHAT?

We have an announcement can you guess what it is?


Jeana said...

Is it a trip you're taking?

You've decided to embrace socks and sandals together?

You're planning to be a park ranger when you grow up?

A new goldfish?

Or maybe a new addition to the Brown family?

(I know which one I'm hoping for...)

Monica said...

ha ha ha

Jeana said...

You may have to change your web address...Unless it's twins, thin the 8 could refer to number of kids. That would be fun, wouldn't it?

Harshes said...

Are you pregnant? I was just thinking of you yesterday! By the way we had baby number 4 this week born at home unassisted...just myself and my hubby. It was amazing! Hope you guys are doing well!

Lelan said...

You guys have got to get Television... I am not sure how this happens with six children in the house. Do ya'll have a hidden closet or something? Try HGTV, it is good clean TV.

Milburns' said...

A friend from my new homeschool group introduced me to your blog, I have to say I LOVE how its set up and the things you post! They inspire my family which I am finding to be very similar to yours. We are Bible beating, Christ following, quiverful, homeschooling, homebirthing all around Christ led natural people.

I have to tell you congrats on your newest!!! :-)))) And I look forward to getting to know you better. Feel free to follow my blog too, though its nothing fancy. :-)
