

Williamsburg and Jamestowne & Birthdays

As you can see in the video above, I drove the RV (and yes that was the first time EVER for me to drive any  thing other than a bike) even though it was only 200 yards it was really fun!

We have been extra busy this week! We went to historic Williamsburg and also to historic Jamestowne.

In Williamsburg we participated in an interactive tour of what life would have been like back then. Dad even got to participate in a militia! He was the FIRST to sign up and was privileged to stand before George Washington! (in the far right of this picture).

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^In the above picture George Washington is addressing his troops! ^


We saw the governors palace, it was an amazing place with beautiful gardens, Kitchens, rooms, ponds and complete with a huge maze! We learned about the politics of the time and how you did not want to be the governors friend and not his enemy …

The day we went to Jamestown Mom needed a little extra rest, so Dad took the crew (except Tia) in for a great time!

We went aboard the replicas of the three English ships that first came to America and learned about the history of them. Then went into the Indian dwellings and saw animal skins and the way that food was prepared and the various things that the Indians would use for hunting and gardening (bones, rocks and clamshells). But I think the highlight of the day was the fort! We saw a real live musket shot and then talked to a man for about 30 minutes about the history of guns and ammunition. Then saw how bread was made (back then) and the living quarters of the soldiers. We learned that it took 6 years to build the fort and then after 6 months of living in it it burned to the ground in just a few hours…… 



It was a great day and we learned a lot!


On the way to the RV park we took the ferry (just for kicks).It was so funny because mom did not even notice that we were on it until we were on the boat moving, it was really fun!


At most KOA’s they have these awesome bike things to rent so Joseph, Dad and I took the little ones on a ride for their birthday! We had a real RV party! Christianna and Elaina were delighted to get big pool noodles, bubble toys, and some new doodle pro’s, but best of all was the chocolate cheese cake, it was really delicious! (but not as good as Mrs. Petri’s ;)   DSCN1192 


Now in the next couple of days we will head for Cherry Hill Park to see Washington D.C.!



Jim, Monica, Weston, Joseph, Timothy, Christianna, Elaina & Victoria