I have finished my high school studies and used Switched On Schoolhouse which is a computer program that will automatically grade about 90% of my work and help me maintain a certain grade level. It runs on my mac so I can take it anywhere so as we travel I can stay caught up. I also studied the Wisdom books from ATI. These books cover a variety of topics and involve character, Biblical accounts and people, missionaries as well as law and medicine.
I have also had some good experience with web building. For about a year now I have been helping a ministry with their monthly newsletter and a little over two years ago I built the Joshua Experience website from scratch and since then I have been maintaining it.
I also have a big interest in photography and last November I went to a two week course in San Antonio near the river walk for intensive photographic studies. I learned about how cameras work, how to compose photos, different lighting and composition rules, how to use an external flash, how to sort and edit and even about the business side of photography. This was with a group called IPS (Institute of Photographic Studies) which hosts classes across the US at various times and also leads expeditions to different countries. It was a fantastic experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about professional photography. This June I got to go to London and Paris for 10 days with IPS. We went to the major historical places and took some awesome pictures and learned a lot.
Then this summer our whole family went to London again for 20 days during the Olympics with my grandparents big band and invited people to events, passed out tracks and also got to do some sight seeing. It was a great time for all bringing us closer together and closer to God, getting more experience with missions work and spending time navigating London when it was the busiest!
This October/November I will be in New Zealand and Fiji for 26 days again with IPS once again only this is a mainly missions trip but of course we will get to do some sight seeing. We will be taking pictures and video and documenting professionally what some of the churches are doing. One thing that I am looking forward to is in Fiji. We will be taking family pictures within some of the local tribes. It is a really big deal for them because this will probably be the only family portrait they will ever have printed. It gives us a great opportunity to minister to them and pray for them.
As far as business goes, I have started working with a company called Saladmaster. They have been around for over 65 years. They host healthy cooking classes in the US, Canada and the UK. Their main focus is food preparation and cooking. They developed their own cookware and my job is to demonstrate it and if someone is interested, I help them get a set. Even if no one buys, I still get paid to demonstrate it so its been good. I go in and show people the cookware, cook a full dinner and show them the whys and hows of saladmaster. Its really been a fun part time business. (If you’re interested in seeing what its all about, please email/call/FB me, I’d be more than happy to show you, its about 2.5 hours, I bring food for 6 and cook it while you watch and I clean everything up. Its a lot of fun:)
And of course, I work in our family business which is the Your Health Source co-op. I work at our base site, deliver food and also do some computer work. I really enjoy it as it is such a unique business and I really have a passion for health.
I am always open to new business ideas but those are the two main things I’m doing for now.
As for college, I do not feel called to go to college but I am considering College Plus which is fully accredited and I can do it at my own pace and with my own hours. I may continue studies in photography, graphic design or web building/design.
I intend to further my education through a variety of means. I am also looking for a guitar teacher and would love to learn basic guitar skills.
Between May 2011 and May 2012 I read my Bible straight through and I want to continue studying the entire Bible, memorizing scripture and journaling. The Bible and an active relationship with God is the most important thing that I can focus on.
Theres a summary of what I have been up to in recent times :)