Earlier this month I was asked by a friend my thoughts about eating vegan and raw. She had a friend that is a new vegan. Here is my reply:
I did strict vegan for about three years and it was great in so many ways – I enjoyed it, I learned a TON and I tried so many things I had never had before. The diet was very good for me, but it wasn't something I could see maintaining longterm. (I have a husband, children and extended family and friends – ha ha. I can only do so much to help them and I don't want to make them crazy in the process) Also, because I am a Christian and I read the Bible, I "see" where God supplied so many good foods for his people and those foods include healthy meats and dairy. So I still limit both of those items – but I see them as nourishing and not as "dead food" or "killer food (as some vegans might think)" I hope that makes sense.
There is a scripture in Proverbs that says goat milk is for the nourishment of your household. . .so that is just one example. .I am not going to argue with scripture. . .and I am glad because it allows for more variety than a strict vegan diet. When God gave the Israelites a land "flowing with milk and honey" and He owns the "cattle on a thousand hills" I think there is a reason beyond just using the animal for clothing, etc. I think God provided the animals for meat and milk (fresh milk if possible, and at a minimum, organic)
What caused me to go vegan in the first place was the claim that doing so would cure almost anything that was wrong with me, physically. I have found that to be true and I see vegan (especially if we are talking about a large portion of the diet being, raw vegan) to be very cleansing. Fasting is also an incredible way to benefit the body. The Bible says fasting is a "wellspring of life." So I think there are tremendous benefits to getting off of junk food and processed foods and getting on a vibrant, life-giving diet. I think it is so sad that diet can be so divisive. Some of my relatives were never supportive. . .I had terrible digestion and pain each month with my cycle – both of these issues cleared up with the vegan/fresh diet. .. I think people would rather just do what they want and they don't want to try new things and often, they are contrary to those who are trying to make a change. I wonder if your friend is trying to change something that has been bothering her? If so, I would say support her and encourage her and I imagine she will balance out in the long run. Pray for her. . .that's the very best thing you can do.