

Homestead Heritage Craft Fair

For the past few years our family has been going to the Homestead Heritage craft fair in November around Thanksgiving. It is one of our favorite events. We would encourage you to go too and hopefully will see you there! Visit: for details!


When I was Vegan (no foods from animal products)

Earlier this month I was asked by a friend my thoughts about eating vegan and raw. She had a friend that is a new vegan. Here is my reply:
I did strict vegan for about three years and it was great in so many ways – I enjoyed it, I learned a TON and I tried so many things I had never had before.  The diet was very good for me, but it wasn't something I could see maintaining longterm.  (I have a husband, children and extended family and friends – ha ha. I can only do so much to help them and I don't want to make them crazy in the process)  Also, because I am a Christian and I read the Bible, I "see" where God supplied so many good foods for his people and those foods include healthy meats and dairy.  So I still limit both of those items – but I see them as nourishing and not as "dead food" or "killer food (as some vegans might think)"  I hope that makes sense.  
There is a scripture in Proverbs that says goat milk is for the nourishment of your household. . .so that is just one example. .I am not going to argue with scripture. . .and I am glad because it allows for more variety than a strict vegan diet.  When God gave the Israelites a land "flowing with milk and honey" and He owns the "cattle on a thousand hills" I think there is a reason beyond just using the animal for clothing, etc.  I think God provided the animals for meat and milk (fresh milk if possible, and at a minimum, organic)
What caused me to go vegan in the first place was the claim that doing so would cure almost anything that was wrong with me, physically.  I have found that to be true and I see vegan (especially if we are talking about a large portion of the diet being, raw vegan) to be very cleansing.  Fasting is also an incredible way to benefit the body.  The Bible says fasting is a "wellspring of life."  So I think there are tremendous benefits to getting off of junk food and processed foods and getting on a vibrant, life-giving diet.  I think it is so sad that diet can be so divisive.  Some of my relatives were never supportive. . .I had terrible digestion and pain each month with my cycle – both of these issues cleared up with the vegan/fresh diet. .. I think people would rather just do what they want and they don't want to try new things and often, they are contrary to those who are trying to make a change.  I wonder if your friend is trying to change something that has been bothering her?  If so, I would say support her and encourage her and I imagine she will balance out in the long run.  Pray for her. . .that's the very best thing you can do.


Moms Newest Adventure!

Mom's newest adventure. . .beautiful and comfortable hair clips, check the Lilla Rose Link below   beautiful & comfortable hair clips


A few thoughts on home schooling

A few days ago a mom was asking my opinion on homeschooling. Here are the contents of the email that I sent to her and I thought that y’all might like to read it to see how we home school. 
I would say, age 5 - read a few books on homeschooling so you can be thinking about how it might look in your home. (libraries are full of good books on homeschooling)  You are home schooling right now - just not officially :) 
We read the Bible every day as a family (well, almost every day) and that in itself is a tremendous education.  We focus on character training and on obedience training.  Children with good character are easier to teach than children that won't listen or go their own way.
So the Bible is our main textbook with children under 5 and we continue with it as our main guide with the older ones.  Lots of reading of good books, help with chores around the house from the earliest age possible. Character training for all of us along the way.  Ruth Beechick has great ideas For right now, just collect books (I have bought many from used book sales at libraries and home education events) and other supplies you will need in the future.
My older two are both using Switched on Schoolhouse, but I would not recommend that until your children are at least 3rd or 4th grade. We also are a part of IBLP and use the ATI program.  (loads of character building info there)
We have used a variety of things. .but I would encourage you to mostly dive into life yourself and be creative - develop a business and have your children learn along side you. life yourself and pull them along... my children have learned a TON by being with me at bread demos or health talks and side by side working at the co-op base site.  They have learned how to get along with people and what to do in difficult circumstances. They have learned to think biblically in a variety of circumstances. Reaching out to others through ministry or just basic hospitality has helped them be less selfish.  They have learned a TON by spending time with their daddy, too. At home, on vacation, with him at business meetings, ect. 
It's a big responsibility to educate your children and there will be gaps - but all kids/people have gaps.  To me, the big idea is to point them to the Bible as the place to start and to develop a life long desire to honor God and watch Him help them in their journey.  I believe He wants us to represent Him well in all areas and with focus, we can do it.  Our children see us fail and then they see us get back up again and try again and in most cases, eventually, we succeed.  It's a beautiful thing!
I hope this helped you a little!  ( :
God bless you as you decide what to do with your children.
If I could wish it on anyone, I would say home school your children and develop a business that allows you to have time and money. So you are able to have choices and can follow whatever God asks you to do vs. being mans slave and tied up in a job that pulls the life out of you and keeps you from time with your family.  Your children and extended family and probably your friends will need you more in the future, not less. So I hope you prepare a future that allows you some freedom and some choices.