

The World I Once Knew

 I was recently reminded of this blog I used to run for our family from 14-18

This blog is a time capsule of my younger self, a reflection of our family’s life and stories (with a few guest entries from my parents) - offering a glimpse into the world as I once saw it.

As you read these posts, I hope they offer some insight into my journey and the unfiltered words of my teenage self. But they’re just part of the story. 

The full picture - everything I’ve learned, questioned, and come to understand - is shared in my debut memoir, BANNED.

I hope this work honors the child I was and the courage it took to dream of something more as I was questioning everything I knew about the world around me in silence.

This story means the world to me, and I believe its message is one worth sharing. That’s why I’m making it available for FREE - so it can reach as many people as possible.

BANNED is currently top 3 in Apple Books and number one in Amazon LGBTQ memoir!

I invite you to explore the full story at

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

With love, 



Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from the Brown Family!  (and new baby due June 20th)


Weston’s New Zealand and Fiji trip: Part 1

Weston’s New Zealand and Fiji trip: Part 1

In January 2012 I was talking with my parents and praying about my desire to travel internationally and do missions work. We prayed about it together and within that next month we had 3 international trips planned! The first was a trip with a group called IPS (more about them in a second) to London and Paris for 10 days, the second trip included our whole family, a good friend, my grandparents and their big band for 20 days in London again during the Olympics (to read about that, click here) and the third was with IPS to visit New Zealand and Fiji for 26 days. Gods answered my prayer in a much bigger way than I had imagined and I am so grateful for the amazing experiences. 

Institute of Photographic Studies

IPS stands for Institute of Photographic Studies. You can read all about who they are and what they do here: .  IPS is a Christian-based organization and teaches the technical, creative and business side of photography. I would recommend these classes to anyone interested in photography. I found that IPS had the perfect balance of hands-on work and classroom instruction for me. I would definitely say that I had a ton of fun working with the instructors and students and came away with the basics in photography well covered in a short amount of time. 

First flight on the top deck of a 747!
The trip started in LAX airport where the team met to fly as a group to New Zealand. We arrived in Auckland, NZ after over 23 hours of travel and met with Rowan and Jocelyn Gillson (our trip leaders) and headed to the campsite. I knew several of the people on the trip beforehand and became friends with the rest of the group quickly. Our group had 19 total and I was amazed at the diversity of the group but at the same time the similarities we had. Looking back on the trip now I really see how blessed the group was. The level of technical knowledge, spiritual development and photographical skills that everyone had truly added so much to the trip.
Road trips are the best with friends!
The format of the trip was to stay in hostels, campgrounds and even in camper vans and travel to a new location every few days.  We would do some sight-seeing, then spend time out and about in different cities as well as many intense projects for local businesses and ministries. It was really fun to have so many new experiences multiple times every day. I see now how our trip had supernatural favor. I don't remember a single time of being delayed or having to wait a long time for transportation or people.  Everything flowed exceptionally well. The team not only got along well together but we quickly became close friends quickly.  
Sunrise shoot on the International Dateline at Te Mata Peak,
Hawke's Bay, NZ
This trip was a great time for spiritual growth. Every day we would have some type of devotional. Sometimes our group Bible time would be 30 minutes long and other times 2 hours of praying, sharing personal stories/testimonies, and 
worshiping. There's nothing quite as encouraging as seeing other people close to my age with similar visions and a loving hearts. Something that stood out to me was what David (another group leader) talked about how we can bring heaven to earth by giving encouragement, helping with projects and be willing to serve where we could without expecting something in return. Whether it is something small or big, finding ways to give to others spiritually and physically has a much bigger long-term effect than what we comprehend. 

We only had one day of classroom instruction, 
project briefings were fast and furious!

For more info about IPS:


Weston’s New Zealand and Fiji trip: Part 2

Weston’s New Zealand and Fiji trip: part 2

Our first project was on the second day of the trip about 40 minutes west of Auckland. We worked for a group called Headspace which took students in their gap year (out of High School and not in college) on a 10 month trip throughout New Zealand learning new skills, studying together and a 10 week mission trip in Taiwan. This group had 19 participants.
Brittany talking to us about her experience with Headspace 
The Headspace students had just come to the end of their trip and our job was to interview them on camera to help create a promotional DVD. Most of our team had little to no experience shooting video so the learning curve was sharp. The day before the project was spent in a classroom setting learning about how to use the video cameras, how to operate the sound equipment and creating a list of questions to ask during the interview. There were several crews and each crew had one person to operate the camera, one to take some still shots and one interviewer. The filming process was about 4 hours total for all of the groups and we spent the rest of the day sorting and editing pictures as well as completing a written version of the interview.  
Headspace and IPS together before we headed out
Later that day they took us to a beautiful beach on the Tasman Sea. The beach had beautiful black volcanic sand which was amazing and like nothing I’d ever seen before.  The beach also had a cave which was pretty awesome! We spent time walking on the beach playing volleyball and of course, taking pictures!
Bethells Beach, Waitakere, NZ
Our goal for all of our projects was to shoot, edit, write and have the pictures/video/written material back to the client within 48 hours. It was a big challenge to always be working somewhere new on different projects with a short time deadline but our group enjoyed each challenge and we had outstanding responses on all of our projects. One thing that I was surprised about was all of the writing projects.  Most of the projects needed some type of written material and I honestly wasn't prepared for it but I learned a ton and am really glad for the experience. 

Everyone just after a delicious Fish n Chips picnic 
in Auckland, NZ

Once we left Headspace we headed to One Tree Hill in Auckland to spend some time exploring and journaling. One Tree Hill is a volcanic peak that is almost 600 feet tall! It is an important memorial place for the Maori people as well as New Zealanders. It was a a beautiful place and perfect to spend some time alone journaling. We had a picnic here of delicious meat pies! 

Everyone at One Tree Hill
We were encouraged to be real, open and honest with each other and to ask God hard questions and take our relationships with each other and God deeper. Something I focused on (and am still focusing on) is pressing in to God and seeking a new level with Him.  I’m grateful for my wonderful IPS family:) 

Some of the other projects that we did in the North Island included family portraits, product shoots, a concert, a local church event, and did home photography for a local building company. We also had quite a few writing projects where we needed to create a brochure or some other written promotional material to support the photos. 

Our time in the North Island was great! 


Weston’s New Zealand and Fiji trip: Part 3

Our time in the North Island went by really quickly! We took a ferry from Wellington to the South Island. Once we arrived we then transferred our things to 3 camper vans. This was probably one of the hardest parts of the trip yet very fun! We stayed in national parks and campgrounds for about a week traveling somewhere new every few days.  

One of the things that amazes me about New Zealand is the diversity of the topography that you see without traveling much. We visited glaciers, canyons, volcanoes, rivers, lakes and mountains. God did an amazing job when he designed NZ! An interesting fact about NZ is that it has no venomous snakes or dangerous animals. We covered many kilometers in NZ by camper vans. It was a great time to talk and grow and learn with the other teammates!

Lots of great conversation while driving between locations
Franz Josef Glacier, Tai Poutini National Park

We only had one project on the South Island and that was for Waiuta Gold Mine. The New Zealand Department of Conservation had invited us to come to this historic location to photograph the historical buildings and create a new brochure. Waiuta was one of the West coast’s richest gold mines in the early 1900s. Our images were also preserved in the New Zealand National Archives. (really neat!)  They even liked our work so much IPS has been invited back next year to work on more projects! 
My friend MJ photographing old Mining
buildings at Waiuta Gold Mine

After our time at Waiuta we wound our way further south visiting national parks and other beautiful locations in the South Island of New Zealand. 

One night at a campground near Mt. Cook we had a great Bible study and all made a commitment to be all the way in for God and not be a lukewarm person but all the way hot. The spiritual leadership was so great and I am grateful to have people that want to help bring me up to a new level. 

On the side of the road on the way in to Queenstown, NZ.  Simply stunning!

Polar plunge in lake Wanaka in Otago, NZ!

As we came to the end of our time in NZ we got to spend a few days in Queenstown. I went Jet Boating which was a thrilling hour long ride through canyons in a shallow river. It was a blast! Some of the others went bungy jumping at the original bungy jump location, some on a helicopter ride and some on high speed ATV Lord of the Rings tours.  Later we went to the ice bar where everything is made from ice and had mocktails just to say we did it, it was fun:)

Everyone ready to go to the ice bar! I was the only one in shorts...

On the dock at lake Wakatipu in Queenstown, NZ

We had a great time relaxing and having fun our last few days in New Zealand. The time went by quickly and I learned a lot and made great friends with everyone. I really felt like we're ready for the final and most challenging part of the trip in Fiji.


Weston's plans for this fall

Weston’s graduation and plan for this fall

I have finished my high school studies and used Switched On Schoolhouse which is a computer program that will automatically grade about 90% of my work and help me maintain a certain grade level. It runs on my mac so I can take it anywhere so as we travel I can stay caught up. I also studied the Wisdom books from ATI. These books cover a variety of topics and involve character, Biblical accounts and people, missionaries as well as law and medicine. 

I have also had some good experience with web building.  For about a year now I have been helping a ministry with their monthly newsletter and a little over two years ago I built the Joshua Experience website from scratch and since then I have been maintaining it. 

I also have a big interest in photography and last November I went to a two week course in San Antonio near the river walk for intensive photographic studies. I learned about how cameras work, how to compose photos, different lighting and composition rules, how to use an external flash, how to sort and edit and even about the business side of photography. This was with a group called IPS (Institute of Photographic Studies) which hosts classes across the US at various times and also leads expeditions to different countries. It was a fantastic experience and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn about professional photography. This June I got to go to London and Paris for 10 days with IPS. We went to the major historical places and took some awesome pictures and learned a lot.

Then this summer our whole family went to London again for 20 days during the Olympics with my grandparents big band and invited people to events, passed out tracks and also got to do some sight seeing. It was a great time for all bringing us closer together and closer to God, getting more experience with missions work and spending time navigating London when it was the busiest! 

This October/November I will be in New Zealand and Fiji for 26 days again with IPS once again only this is a mainly missions trip but of course we will get to do some sight seeing. We will be taking pictures and video and documenting professionally what some of the churches are doing. One thing that I am looking forward to is in Fiji.  We will be taking family pictures within some of the local tribes.  It is a really big deal for them because this will probably be the only family portrait they will ever have printed. It gives us a great opportunity to minister to them and pray for them. 

As far as business goes, I have started working with a company called Saladmaster. They have been around for over 65 years. They host healthy cooking classes in the US, Canada and the UK. Their main focus is food preparation and cooking. They developed their own cookware and my job is to demonstrate it and if someone is interested, I help them get a set. Even if no one buys, I still get paid to demonstrate it so its been good. I go in and show people the cookware, cook a full dinner and show them the whys and hows of saladmaster. Its really been a fun part time business. (If you’re interested in seeing what its all about, please email/call/FB me, I’d be more than happy to show you, its about 2.5 hours, I bring food for 6 and cook it while you watch and I clean everything up. Its a lot of fun:)

And of course, I work in our family business which is the Your Health Source co-op. I work at our base site, deliver food and also do some computer work. I really enjoy it as it is such a unique business and I really have a passion for health. 

I am always open to new business ideas but those are the two main things I’m doing for now. 

As for college, I do not feel called to go to college but I am considering College Plus which is fully accredited and I can do it at my own pace and with my own hours. I may continue studies in photography, graphic design or web building/design. 

I intend to further my education through a variety of means. I am also looking for a guitar teacher and would love to learn basic guitar skills. 

Between May 2011 and May 2012 I read my Bible straight through and I want to continue studying the entire Bible, memorizing scripture and journaling. The Bible and an active relationship with God is the most important thing that I can focus on. 

Theres a summary of what I have been up to in recent times :) 


Tears This Summer - and No Regrets

Just wanted to post about how we were due with a new baby this fall. .. Our due date was Oct 29th.  On July 4th, a precious baby boy was born at home.  We learned a few weeks before that the baby had no heartbeat and though we hoped and prayed for a miracle, it was not to be this time.  We named the baby David (Davy).  We will save the name Joshua Isaac for a future child (God willing).  
No matter what, we have plenty to rejoice about and though the sorrow and pain run deep when we think of this child, we rejoice on a regular basis for the goodness we have seen in our lives thus far.  I have no regrets because I have always been open to having children and I am forever grateful to friends who encouraged me early on in my marriage to let God determine this area of my life.  If I controlled it, I would feel greater sorrow and definitely regret.  We were married 4 years before Weston came along and it was almost 7 years more before Joseph, then another 6 years went by and we adopted Tim, Christianna & Elaina, then Victoria came along and Alonna was our quickest surprise since the previous birth children were all 6 or more years apart.  
God has been so very good to us and in this season, we rest and hope and believe for future miracles.  We truly love children and are thankful for the opportunity to spend time with them each day.  
Specifically, I learned that not everyone is happy about a 40 + mom having children. ..and I am ok with that. . .I found being pregnant as a mom of 7 to be more emotionally challenging and if I find myself pregnant again, I will rejoice and not let myself be moved by the negative responses of others.

Mission Trip in a Nutshell:

Where: London, England,  we stayed in Sydenham Girls High School in classrooms converted into bedrooms (we slept on air mattresses) with two meals per day in the school cafeteria.  Lunch was often a snack or eating at a local restaurant

When: Summer 2012, 20 days 

Who: Our family:  Jim, Monica, Weston (18), Joseph (11), Timothy (7), Christianna (6), Elaina (6), Victoria (4), Alonna (2 1/2), our dear friend, Ashley Krogstad (18), Monica's parents, Larry & Orlano Randall and their Christian Jazz Band, Joshua Experience and Monica's sister, Jennifer Allard

Why: To increase skill in reaching out to strangers, to follow the Great Commission, to expand our mind and the minds of our children, and join the mission of the Joshua Experience Band

How: First, we practiced at Bedford Boys Ranch (a park near our home) by taking walks and exercising each week.  In London, we invited people to evening events associated with the Olympics.  We participated in park outreaches and tagged along with other more experienced people and assisted where needed.  We handed out a variety of gifts and cd's (of the Joshua Band) to people on the streets of London, in restaurants, on the trains,  and buses and on the airplane ride over.  We invited people to events and the children sang songs and shared scripture at some of the events


London 2012 (Part 1)

This year, we went to London during the 2012 Olympics.  We flew with my parents (Monica's parents) and our seven children, ages 2 1/2 to 18 years old.  

Here is our story: 

For many years, Jim and I have talked about how we would like to grow in our ability to reach out to others.  We have a strong desire to continue to train up our children in the way they should go and at the same time, reach out to people who do not know Jesus Christ.   Up to this point in our lives, we have encouraged Christian families in the following areas:  finances, marriage, health and parenting.  Our desire from the beginning of our marriage was to live out the scriptures and to share with those who want to know more about the joy we have and the hope we have for the future.  We want to live a lifestyle of reaching out to others in hopes that it will become a natural part of our children's lives.   Our greatest hope is that each child will grow in leadership skills and hear the voice of God themselves and following Him closely.  We hope that each one will learn to reach out to others and put their focus on what is important to God.

On the plane!

They were great travelers! 

The Joshua Experience in their Olympic suits 

We went with an organization that reaches out to athletes.  We did not go to London to attend the games, but to invite people to programs in the evenings.  We and over 100 other volunteers went out into the streets of London and used a variety of methods.  We traveled with a Christian Jazz Band. (see  The band is led by Monica’s dad and mom, Larry and Orlano Randall.  Over 1,000 CD's of their music was given as gifts to people on buses, trains and on the streets of London.  We had other gifts to give away as well and we found that giving gifts was meaningful to people.  For the most part, we found people to be receptive and open. 

Waiting on the train

The band played in churches in London and our youngest children were allowed to share scripture and sing a few times.  We learned a lot about hands on witnessing and came back with ideas on how to creatively meet others and open the way for us to speak about Christ.  We know the scripture says "he who wins souls is wise."  To us, that means that there is a certain amount of wisdom involved in encouraging others to follow Christ.  We have been studying the teachings of Ray Comfort and Mark Cahill.  (both can be found easily on the internet)

Part 2 coming soon!

The 9 Browns


London 2012 (Part 2)

Some of the people who impacted us the most through their example were:  first, my parents. . .they TIRELESSLY walked the streets of London and road all the various modes of transportation, reaching out to people and praying with anyone who desired prayer.  They led their big band across the ocean and our family into a life changing opportunity.  

Gaumi and Poppa! 

The band members impacted us by their sweet spirits and efforts to be used each day.  One husband and wife left one evening to travel to Paris and while they were there, they became lost in the night and could not find their way.  A cyclist found them and he lead them to safety and they led him to Christ!  Ashley Krogstad (daughter of our dear friends, Mike and Jody Krogstad) at age 18 worked to earn money so she could go on a mission trip.  When she found out we were going, she asked if she might help us with our children as well as join in on the mission work.  Ashley thrilled us with her initiative and energy and heart for God.  Ashely has traveled with her family on several missions trips and her sweet, joyful, serving spirit spirit was a great encouragement to all of us.
Victoria, Ashley, Alonna and Monica
Maricela (  (mother of 8 children) came to share with anyone who would listen.  Maricela is a ventriloquist and she invested in our children and sparked a desire in some of them to learn ventriloquism as one means of sharing God's message with a hurting world.  Maricela taught us songs and was one of the most active examples, full of energy and love for others.  As it turns out, she lives near us and we are looking forward to getting to know her now that we are all home. 

Maricela and the kids

A father came from South Dakota with 3 of his 12 children to invite people to programs.  Bruce Crevier and his three children became fast friends with us as we all went out together.  Bruce is a master ball spinner and can do amazing things with basketballs.  He and his children ride unicycles and have been in full time ministry for over 20 years.  Bruce encouraged us to continue in our efforts to eat healthy and stay trim and ready for service.  He and his children do half time programs at basketball games all year long.  See his website for more details ( You'll be amazed as you watch what he does.  He performed in churches and parks with his 3 middle children and impacted lives for eternity.  We saw people come to Christ when Bruce talked with them.  Bruce and his children were easy to relate to and they never saw a stranger.  They gave out small cards that had a picture of their family on it and a Christian challenge on the back.  Josiah, Holly and Ben Crevier were bright lights to our family as they had many tricks they could perform and make balloon creatures to entertain children.  

Some of the Crevier family at Tower Bridge 
There were other ministry teams present in London and all were trying to impact our world to make it a brighter, better place.  There were street preachers, singers, musicians, both young and old.  We spent time with grandparents from Australia. . Jon and Jenny. . .they loved on us and we loved on them!  Jon volunteers in the school system near where he lives and tells children stories and helps them understand the bigger picture of life.  We hope Jon and Jenny visit us in the USA one day.  There were people whose main job was to feed the rest of us, twice each day and a Chaplain on site to lead us in prayer and worship each morning.  We learned from Precious Jade how she has a passion to take old songs and turn them into new songs that glorify God.  Precious Jade loved on our children and spent time teaching them some very sweet songs that she wrote specifically for children. Latrelle Lindon and her husband came and shared a beautiful testimony about heaven and an experience their family went through.  Latrelle has written character songs for children and impacts schools in her area through creative music.  There were many others who had a variety of talents and ways to reach out.  Our main way was to simply give gifts.  People loved that and we enjoyed it, too!  We did park outreaches and saw souls saved.

The Browns, Randalls and Ashley at Tower Bridge! 

Part 3 coming soon!

The 9 Browns


London 2012 (Part 3)

Our children would sing for anyone who paid attention to them and people were blessed.  We attended an older style Church of England one Sunday and Victoria (age 4) sang Amazing Grace and then she and her siblings quoted a large portion of 1 Corinthians 13.  We attended Sunday services 4 times while we were in London.  We attended church many nights and often the services lasted several hours.  Our travel to and from the churches was always at least 45 minutes to an hour and a half.  The children get a prize for ENDURANCE and PATIENCE.  From the 2 year old all the way up to the oldest, we were blessed and amazed at the self control and sweet spirit of the children.  We recognize that their behavior had an impact on people from the moment we were on the first plane until we landed again in Dallas.  

Victoria singing Amazing in the fellowship hall of a Church of England

For us, this trip was a way to totally turn our attention to the Great Commission.  We had 20 days to think about what God calls each Christian to do and how we could fulfill that call with our lives.  We hope to continue to move forward in our efforts to impact our world for the name and cause of Jesus Christ.  We are Bible believers and we are not ashamed.  We came home and feel that America is our place and our mission field. We pray that God will use us to encourage other Christians to reach out and to fully embrace the Bible and the truth found there.  Scripture teaches "the truth shall set you free"  John 8:32

Waiting for the bus

One day, we led some friends to a McDonald's.  They asked us to help them get there because they were meeting up with others.  We went into the McDonalds, with no intention of eating there.  We haven't eaten in a McDonald's since we were in Russia, adopting 3 of our children!  Our 6 younger children have never had a "happy meal" in their lives.  We are "into" health and our business is helping others transition to a healthier diet.  (  We thought we would drop off our friends and then go on to eat at a local to London restaurant.  Instead, we stayed and visited and then ended up meeting the manager of McDonalds.  He is a Muslim man and he was completely taken with our family.  He spent over an hour talking with us and received all the gifts we had to give him and some of his staff.  Before we knew it, he was passing out free happy meals to our littlest children and showering us back with gifts ( :  Time with him was one of the best times we had in London and with his staff.  We were blessed to be there and felt that God allowed us to encourage him that day.  The children sang "make me a servant" to him and his staff.

Part 4 coming soon!

The 9 Browns


London 2012 (Part 4)

On our last day in London, we had an hour red bus ride to the area where the church would be.  We stopped at a sandwich shop to get some food and then went on to a Starbucks to order some things and to sit down. Starbucks was the only place in that particular location that had inside seating.  There, we enjoyed our meal and reached out to several people in the restaurant.  Throughout the trip when the children would make eye contact with someone and felt a receptive spirit, they would nudge one of us to see if we could give a CD or other gift to that person.  Then one of the older people would go and ask the person if it was ok for the child to share.  This happened many times.  After giving out several gifts and encouraging people, Monica began talking with a young mother.  The mother was in the restaurant with her twin 4 year olds.  As it turned out, the young mother lives in London and is named Monica as well!  She is in the process of deciding what to do with her children and their coming education.  She is feeling pressure to put them in school.  She wanted to know about what we have done with our children and hopefully, we were a good encouragement to her.  She was lovely and she asked for contact information from us and we hope to hear from her soon.

We also wanted to thank Grandma Judy, she had such a sweet spirit and was very gracious and transported us all over London and made sure we got where we needed to go.

We love you Grandma Judy! 

Thank you to the people who looked after our home while we were away.  Our dear neighbors who have always looked after us, especially while we are away and our friends who have just returned from mission work in Istanbul.

Thank you to our bookkeeper who looked after the business and to Celeste Tenpenny, Ellen Davis, Phillip Fuester, Randy Delacruz, co-op host/hostesses and all base site workers who carried on well without us.

The 9 Browns



A Friend asked me About Adoption

here is a modified version of what I wrote to her. ..

 Would you and Jim be willing to share your adoption story with us (e-mail or phone is fine)?  yes and we created a youtube about it, too

We're interested in children from infants-4 years old, maybe siblings. we feel best about adopting younger children and don't have much info (from us) on older than 5

We don't know much about adoption or where to start. If you know of placement centers that have worked well for you or others you know, we would be interested. Also, if there have been some places you've heard to stay away from that would be helpful as well.  We know each experience is unique, but we need tons of advice.  we used European Adoption Consultants because we tried to adopt through the state of Texas and had two boys for 2 years and could not adopt them. . .lots of challenges there and no way to parent biblically when they are not your own.  We applied to adopt from the very beginning and were told to take the boys and in 30 days they will be legally free to be adopted. . two years later they were not free and it was actually closer to 5 years later before they were legally free
adoption is not a cake walk. .. you need to be very strong spiritually and in great unity (and stay in unity) with your husband. . .ours were 13 months (the twins) and 23 months when we got them and the girls have been ALOT of work - WELL WORTH IT WORK - but ALOT of work.  Their cause and effect isn't as well developed as I would like. . .but it's coming along.  I am ordering a book that I might pass along to you and we would be glad to visit with you.  

If you are a FAITH FILLED believer and you are growing in your knowledge of the Bible and you pray and will speak LIFE over your children and pray against any strongholds from their past, you will do fine.  If you don't know anything about speaking life or breaking strongholds, you might want to study up on that.  Someone told us a few weeks ago that we are the only couple they know that has "sweet" Russian children. . .all the others are sending their children off to military school. ..and we have no need for that or intentions to do that. . we run a tight ship and have GREAT results overall. .. though as I said, it's been work.  Some people adopt children and won't discipline them and that doesn't make sense to me.  But then again. ..I have devoured the Bible and I know what it says and I have looked into the meanings of the words and I am not confused about what I am doing and I am not afraid of the future or of my children.  I hope this makes sense and I am intentionally being bold with you because I do not want anyone to take this process or idea on lightly. . .would I do it all over again. . .yes and I would like to right now, but I am 3 months  pregnant ( :  so instead I'll have a new baby this fall. . .but I would DEFINITELY do it all over again and if God allows, I will do it again.

Love, Monica